Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Chinese Population Control Backfires

China fertility issues linked to Hukou population registration system.

Interesting to note that the urbanizing migrant labors allowed Chinese manufacturing to last as long as it has. But at the same time, it prevented the Chinese interior from industrializing because their labor went to the coast. Then, the urban migrants got higher wages, thus preventing the interior from competing with Vietnam and now Cambodia. So the Hukou system theoretically could have allowed the interior to industrialize gradually from the coast. But the coastal elites prevented that from happening by allowing migrants unofficially. And now China also got a fertility problem from the social instability of urban migrants.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Chinese Education Arbitrage

Chinese families are moving to Thailand, so that their children do not have to compete in the Gaokao system, among other reasons. The children are flourishing, despite some having ADHD etc, and have developed hobbies unthinkable in China.

It will be interesting to see if the new diaspora will draw the mainland Chinese culture away from the Rat Race. Chinese people just cannot resist the Rat Race.

Americans Rediscover Cheaper Rural Life

Boomers now discover they can afford to retire in rural America, whereas they can't in the cities. But rural medical care is a concern.

Took them long enough to figure this out. Classic arbitrage. City life is too expensive. But for some reason the Establishment Media and the Entertainment Industry does not want to talk about country living being fun.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Even Female Prisoners, Living Outside Male Gaze, Crave Makeup

Female prisoners invent all kinds of ways to homebrew makeup and beauty care accessories, in addition to buying and smuggling real makeup. They say that access to makeup was a requirement for them to access their own authentic selves.

This apply demonstrates that women invented fashion and makeup all on their own, with only minimal attention paid to male desires. Of course, the prominent gay men opinionmakers in the fashion industry means it was very likely gay men were responsible for female fashion in the antiquity as well. For, as we know, women are stupid and are not that creative as a collective. Chinese women during the Mao era demonstrated that women can maintain a local minima of no makeup, policed by their Karens.

So this raises the question: If women do not understand what men find sexually attractive, then how do women find their fashion sense? Indeed, women spend inordinate amount of time looking at the fashion magazines and videos, consuming massive amounts of imagery to calibrate their aesthetic sense with the existing female fashion gestalt. The dynamics of female fashion also indicates how women organize themselves into their wheel hubs and spokes.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Young Girls Hurting Themselves with Skincare Products

Girls are using adult skincare products to keep skin young, but the adult products are too harsh for young skin, scarring the girls. The girls are using the products because of social media influencers.

Girls are stupid, of all ages. And girls younger than 18 probably should not access social media. Or TV. Or magazines. Basically, no media at all. Girls probably should stay in a nunnery of some sort, for their own psychological wellbeing.

The funny thing is, girls instinctively start using makeup on their own. See tomorrow's post, for how they start competing on looks all on their own.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

"George Floyd Legacies"

After George Floyd death intensified the #BlackLivesMatter protests nationwide, people thought policing would improve. 4 years later, not much had changed.

Policing in America is built on the confluence of several systemic and bureaucratic forces. Reform is unlikely, since the forces remain unchanged. The "racism" complaints are mostly outside the control of the police itself. And the opposing forces on policing made police itself prone to corruption.

I have long made the observation that building new groups and bureaucracies is faster and more efficient than reforming old ones. The "George Floyd Legacies" history has again shone that observation to be historical truth in organizational innovation.

Another observation I made, is that urban policing in America, in many places, is an exercise in Counter-Insurgency, and we should act like it. Oil-Spot Strategy, co-option of local militia, etc. We have yet to take that seriously, and urban policing will continue to fail.

One more proposal I made, is that cities should break up into smaller independent entities, so that they are more accountable to the residents instead of the business interests, who drive much of urban policing. That this proposal remain unthinkable to much of the commentariat, just shows how unserious most urban residents and intelligentsia are about Policing.

How Stockholders Killed Red Lobster

Red Lobster made some bad business decisions as it was sold by a series of owners. Finally the Thai Union shrimp company, the latest owner, broke Red Lobster to benefit itself and Thai Union personnel.

Red Lobster is a case study of how #financialization killed a company. Globalization is evil.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Europeans Paying North Africa to Strand Southern Africans

European Union and members are paying Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, and possibly other countries, to stop migrants from going to Europe. Therefore, these countries are rounding up sub-Saharan-looking people and dumping them in the Sahara deserts of Algeria, Libya, Mali, etc. Sometimes they also sell them into slavery.

To the liberals who want to maintain the ridiculous refugee policy while also stopping the resulting rise of the racist parties, this seems a reasonable tradeoff. The whole point is to stop them from leaving their home countries.

Unfortunately, the European liberals are too stupid. They will probably complain and stop the migrant harassment. And thus have more racist parties. Or the fascist parties will come to power anyway due to other problems, like the natural dying off of childless liberals, or Ukrainian refugees taking away European jobs.

And in the mean time, drive the Africans into the arms of the Chinese. Who might be planning a demographic replacement of their own.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Catholicism Counter-Reforms.

American Catholic churches are getting more conservative, because the liberal Catholics do not attend church nor recruit.

This is the paradox of reform. Reforms are more likely to kill an organization rather than actually changing its direction.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Chicago Police Department Can't Shoot for Crap

Chicago plainclothes police officers fired their weapons 100 times at a black man. They hit him only 13 times.

That is an accuracy rate of only 13%. Not as bad as NYPD, which had a zero% accuracy rate, but it is very close.

It used to be unthinkable, to disarm the police in America. But with this accuracy rate and their record of killing black men, might as well take guns away from police. It is not like they know what to do with their guns.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The West Hates All Russians

Russian soldiers who are running away, cannot find refuge in the anti-Russian coalition. Same as how the West treats other Russian escapees.

It is indeed hypocritical, for the West to keep saying that they are only anti-Putin, but pro Russian people. Yet are not opening their door to all of the Russians running away from Putin.

It is but natural. Of course they are against all Russians. That is what it has always been about. Putin is merely looking out for Russian interests in a Russian way.

Furthermore, this episode further illustrates that it is wrong to take in refugees into foreign states. Refugees should stay in their own countries, unless their while country is covered by lava or something. If we need to protect refugees, then we set up a safe zone inside of the countries for them to run to. Then we give them the means to protect and feed themselves.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Africans building opportunities into American professional sports

African players set up an NFL camp as a successful pipeline of recruits into NFL.

One idea I had, was to give black welfare recipients a scholarship in Nigeria, where their children can attend primary and secondary schools away from the failing American education system, and away from racism. It sounds better and better.

And the success of the Nigerian NFL camp, raises the question: Is there a decline in African-American accession into American sports?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Squatters Turned Bankrupt Beverly Hills Mansion Into Night Club

Squatters took over a $4.6 million mansion in Beverly Hills and turned it into a night club, basically. Neighbors complain, but they can'tevict them because they are not the property owner. The previous owner went bankrupt, and a finance company owns it now. But the finance company does not answer the phone. So police can't do anything.

Serves all the Hollywood people right. California is turning into Hell On Earth.

Not-White Evangelicals Complain

Not-White Evangelicals in America complain that people think all Evangelicals are White. And that Christian Nationalism makes people think that even more.

These non-white evangelicals sound fairly nationalist, too. That they're clinging onto their national identities. So they are "Christian Nationalists", too.

That the media is trying to make Christian Nationalism a White Supremacy synonym, tells you exactly how anti-White they are. And that people accepted the media framing, shows how stupid they are.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

On American Military and "Extremism"

Bruce Hoffman describes the extremists infiltrating the US military to obtain training, the insider threat sabotaging military, and the veterans who join extremist groups, insurgents, or commit suicides. However, Hoffman did not have any solutions other than "no Stand-downs".

Hoffman is stupid. Mostly, because he misunderstand the problem. As a note to all analysts, describing the problem is the first and most important step to any analysis.

There are 2 problems here, basically. In a People's Army, such as US military aspires to be, loyalty to the political system depends on the political system's loyalty to the People. Loyalty, after all, is a two-way street. Women and Gamma often do not understand this, believing that the abstracted political regime (or any institution, really) is and always will be. But no. If veterans, who did not start out radicalized, then radicalized during or after service, then that is a primary indicator of political failure, of regime corruption. A veteran, with his intimate experience of a government system, like the US military, understands, at a visceral level, how (at least a part of) the government is supposed to work. For him to then lose faith in the regime, means that he thinks the system is failing. At the very least, that the system is not returning his former loyalty.

The other problem, infiltration and sabotage, is self-limiting, or supposedly so. A major benefit of a People's Army, is that it would take care of the sabotage problem for you, naturally. The People, who staff the Army, loves the Institution. So they readily detect any deviation in loyalty, aka the Insider Threat. They will readily report and respond to insider threat without external pressures. The moment they stop dealing with Insider Threats, is when the People stop having faith in the political system. When there has to be a Commissar system, or to "educate" the soldiers about the political system, is when you know the regime is in trouble. (Or that it has ceased to be a People's Army.)

So, the fact that people want to talk about the supposed "extremist infiltration" problem, is an indicator that these people know they no longer has the loyalty of a large chunk of The People. Which is just another signpost to the Fall of Pax Americana.

(For the problem of monetary corruption, that soldiers take money to divert weapons etc to the black market or etc. That is likely more of a cultural / ethnic problem, that they think money is more important than loyalty.)

Friday, January 19, 2024

India, BJP, and Ayodhya Temple

BJP, and Modi, will inaugurate the incomplete Ayodhya Temple on Jan 22. And a brief history of the Ayodhya site and BJP Hindu nationalism.

India and BJP is a fascinating case study of how fascism and nationalism can flourish without any serious external triggers or pressures. It perfectly demonstrates that Enlightenment #Diversity policies, such as Affirmative Action, can on their own trigger nationalism. It somehow mirrors the rise of European Nation-States on the back of the Enlightenment.

This continues my projection of India becoming the first fascist communism state. It is funny that so many analysts continues to posit India as the future of the world. Why America is allying with the racist regime of India, just further illustrates the idiocy and bankruptcy of the American foreign policy "elite", and how desperate the strategic situation is for America.

And the Indian Muslims. It is high past time for you to to ethnically cleanse yourselves to Jammu-Kashmir or Pakistan / Bangladesh. Staying in India is manifestly stupid. Congress Party is not coming back, Gandhi-ian delusions notwithstanding. And Sikhs, you are next. BJP is already killing Sikhs abroad. (Pissing off BJP is about the only reason one should vote for Nikki Hayley.)

PS: And this is yet another nail in the coffin of the Parliamentary system. So many "Democracy experts" love the Parliamentary system, believing it to be oh so superior to the American Presidential system. But in the end, it is just another form of Democracy. Democracy will always be a reflection of the People. If the People are smart and rational, then Democracy can be smart and rational, too. But just because it worked for the Puritans, doesn't mean that Democracy can work for everyone. As Vox Day says, #MPAI most people are idiots, and most people are emotional.