Saturday, June 14, 2008


Welcome. After commenting on the various blogs for so long, I've finally taken the plunge to write my thoughts, hopefully more coherently.


KOGR said...

Interesting posts.. why did you name your blog "american mohist"?

Jimmy said...

It's "Mohist" because Moh was the first engineer-philosopher, who had the courage to back up his Pacifist convictions in battle. He fought in battles to stop war, minimize civilian suffering. Mohists do not look forward to war, but remain ever ready to fight to the conclusion, because they know that war is one of the constants of human nature.

KOGR said...

Interesting I have never heard of Mozi or Mo-tzu written as Moh. Have you by any chance read the original mohist texts?

Jimmy said...

I am slowly working my way through them. I guess the modern spelling is Moh these days.