Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Russia, Ukraine, and national socialists

Daily Beast explores the convoluted history of #skinhead, #neonazis, and Euromaidan in Russia and Ukraine. Headline and thesis claims Russia created the Ukrainian neoNazi problem, but actual description reads more like Ukrainians sheltered the Russian political dissidents of all stripes, including Russian skinheads. Ukrainian affinity for all Russian dissidents led to the problem today.

More screw up stories at the International Legion. This is a stark reminder that governments always take forever to do things. Most of the described training are unnecessary. These men should have just made their way to the front as soon as possible, picked up weapons, and start shooting. If they wanted to kill Russians. They are stereotypical Europeans, waiting on the government to tell them what to do. In a crisis, you don't have time to wait on governments.

Ukraine is hunting down collaborators, spies, and sympathizers. This is one more step toward ethnic cleansing in Ukraine. The war is accelerating the continuing and inevitable ethnic cleansing trends since Ukrainian nationalism post Soviet collapse. Some people believe that the Gallician Ukrainians will embrace the Rus Ukrainians because of the war's crucible. Some of that is happening, but not fast enough. Russia killed too many Gallicians. And too many Rus are collaborating with the invaders. This spy hunt is the precursor to pogroms.

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