Monday, October 16, 2023

Black people hate acting White

Black people have to keep on demonstrating their credentials of belonging to White privileged organizations. This includes always wearing college or company logo clothing, in addition to acting White and always de-escalating. And Affirmative Action have been instrumental in helping Black people that they belong at these White places. But keeping on acting White is very exhausting to Black people.

This article is quite illogical. According to the author, acting White is bad, and Affirmative Action has played a major role in bringing in lots of Black people into White organizations, where they then have to Act White. Therefore, logically, Affirmative Action has been bad in making many more Black people act White. But we still need to keep Affirmative Action, because we need to bring in more Black people. Very illogical, and refuses to address the consequences of Acting White. It is a huge gaping hole in the article, likely because the author knows he should not address that problem.

This article is a great illustration of the psychic cost of Integration, why Diversity is inhumane. A stupid leftist might say that, we just need to fix the company culture so that Black people can be as confrontational as they want, be free to make the company culture more Black. But that is stupid, because there is a White culture, and a more Black-dominant culture would drive away the White employees. [of course some will always remain.] More importantly, a company has to have a unifying culture, because the managers have to think the same so they can make similar decisions. Otherwise the organization ceases to be. And it becomes a flock of random people.

Which further illustrates that Diversity and Affirmative Action is always about money and fame. Black and White peoples alike surrender part of their humanity into the Diversity Machine in the hopes of making some money and/or fame. It is literally a Faustian bargain. And like Faust, they all think they can outwit the Devil. Hubris is indeed one of the deadliest sins.

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