Saturday, June 18, 2022

"Racism" in Social Activities

Reality shows like "Survivor" highlight the social interactions in a racially and gender diverse group. And black people are pointing out that they face a disadvantage in the games, alleging racsim, Critical Race Theory, and Intersectionality.

This article demonstrates why the current CRT-based discussions are stupid. Because most of the "disadvantage" is inherent in all majority-minority social mechanics. If there is a clearly identifiable minority sub-group, then the majority will behave in a certain way, and the minority group will counter with certain behaviors. This always happens when the minority reaches 10% population-wise in small groups.

CRT and Intersectionality, and most American liberal racism discourse, fails to separate put the effects of the majority-minority mechanics from race-specific discrimination. (Because then there is nothing left for them to talk about. And because they're emotionally-invested in their victim identities.)

This is why the American Diversity Experiment is doomed to fail, and fail catastrophically. Because they cannot think any other way. This includes both African-Americans and women. Ethnic Cleansing and Handmaid's Tale are coming to America, because people are stupid. Cities will be the first to burn. Get out of cities.

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