Monday, August 7, 2023

India Communist Fascism Update

The interethnic pogrom in Manipur focuses attention on the pro-Hindu bias of the BJP, and gives hope to the opposition coalition.

India's Second Partition continues apace. The mixture of ethnicity (Scheduled Tribes) and religion (Hindu vs Christianity) means the Manipur Pogrom will not stop until ethnic cleansing produces a defined border, physically separating the combatants with sustainable territories.

This pogrom contrasts with Iraq, where the tribes often had both Sunni and Shiite members. That served to check the intensity of the Iraqi civil war, staying away (somewhat) from the religious elements. And Al Sadr could credibly take on a Pan-Islamist nationalist mantle, unthinkable elsewhere in the Middle East. It looks like India has no such luck, with mono-religious tribes dominating. Despite the Bollywood happy face and the European Orientalist fascination, India is almost a tragic hell on Earth.

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