Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Europeans Paying North Africa to Strand Southern Africans

European Union and members are paying Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, and possibly other countries, to stop migrants from going to Europe. Therefore, these countries are rounding up sub-Saharan-looking people and dumping them in the Sahara deserts of Algeria, Libya, Mali, etc. Sometimes they also sell them into slavery.

To the liberals who want to maintain the ridiculous refugee policy while also stopping the resulting rise of the racist parties, this seems a reasonable tradeoff. The whole point is to stop them from leaving their home countries.

Unfortunately, the European liberals are too stupid. They will probably complain and stop the migrant harassment. And thus have more racist parties. Or the fascist parties will come to power anyway due to other problems, like the natural dying off of childless liberals, or Ukrainian refugees taking away European jobs.

And in the mean time, drive the Africans into the arms of the Chinese. Who might be planning a demographic replacement of their own.

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