Saturday, May 25, 2024

"George Floyd Legacies"

After George Floyd death intensified the #BlackLivesMatter protests nationwide, people thought policing would improve. 4 years later, not much had changed.

Policing in America is built on the confluence of several systemic and bureaucratic forces. Reform is unlikely, since the forces remain unchanged. The "racism" complaints are mostly outside the control of the police itself. And the opposing forces on policing made police itself prone to corruption.

I have long made the observation that building new groups and bureaucracies is faster and more efficient than reforming old ones. The "George Floyd Legacies" history has again shone that observation to be historical truth in organizational innovation.

Another observation I made, is that urban policing in America, in many places, is an exercise in Counter-Insurgency, and we should act like it. Oil-Spot Strategy, co-option of local militia, etc. We have yet to take that seriously, and urban policing will continue to fail.

One more proposal I made, is that cities should break up into smaller independent entities, so that they are more accountable to the residents instead of the business interests, who drive much of urban policing. That this proposal remain unthinkable to much of the commentariat, just shows how unserious most urban residents and intelligentsia are about Policing.

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