Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Casualties of the Great Restoration

Summary: 1. The #Obama'ite [and #Clintonite] Washington #mandarin's are now cutting out the original #BidenCampaign crew in all of the cool jobs. The campaign crew stuck with Biden "[...] When all of the young cool operatives were flocking to #Beto and Bernie and Warren." So they are upset. Althouse: "The real trick will be Phase 2 — leaving #Biden behind. He's not cool."

2. #Progressive's are upset at Biden, too, for freezing out #Bernie and #ElizabethWarren.

3. #BLM is still waiting for some love from Biden, too.

Analysis: And the #DemocratEstablishment strikes again. When you elect an #Establishment candidate, this is what you get.

Of course the #DemocratParty platform is plenty Progressive-Adjacent already, but they still care about #WallStreet more than their base. To wit, Janet Yellen. No #DebtJubilee this time.

#TrueBeliever's always get purged after a Revolution, at some point. (Granted the Chinese Red Guards had a good run.) This is because #ideologicalPurity gets in the way of getting stuff done, inevitably. This 2020 election was not exactly a revolution, but the #moderate's really used the Progressives to muscle out the #Deplorables this time. So now is the time for the Moderates to toss the Progressives to the curb.

The Moderates will learn, soon enough, that nobody likes them anymore. They and Wall Street are what is holding America back.

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