Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Nagorno-Karabakh Quick Lessons.

Summary: #NagornoKarabakh

1. People are reviewing the 2nd Nagorno Karabakh War. And are concluding that Russia won at the expense of Armenia. #CdrSalamander pushes back against the ones clamoring for NATO/US Caucasus involvement. Cdr Salamander: So What Happened With Azerbaijan and Armenia.

2. Supposed secondary source reporting on the lessons of the war. Why Armenia seemingly did not react to patent opportunities. #theSaker. The Saker: The Karabakh War is Over, The Crisis is Not. What comes Next. [FB says #Unz . Com is #badThink. You was warned.]

Analysis: Everybody is looking at the 2nd NK war for lessons on a middle-intensity conflict. Perhaps the ubiquitous drone footage promises more than was the case.

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