Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Minority Experience in Covid Schooling

Summary: 1. #NYT reports. Some Black parents prefer keeping their children home from school, because of less #microaggression and racial hostility from the other [presumably white, hispanic, and asian] children. They can also better monitor unequal treatment from the teachers. #Althouse post on online learning for some Black parents.

2. ABC reports. Some Black parents report their children are getting disproportionate and unfair treatment/punishment from the schools and justice systems. For example, Black girls are 5 times more likely to be suspended and 4 times more likely to be arrested. ABC News report on the schools' unfair treatment of Black girls.

Analysis: Children are cruel, everywhere. They are cruel enough in mono-racial societies, as Japanese and others' school bullying anecdotes attest. In a more integrated environment it can only be more toxic.

#HBCU and #HSI students have often testified to the benefits of a learning environment without racial distractions. Women's Colleges have touted their segregated environment as well. It is clear that, for some people at least, a learning environment with less distractors improve learning outcomes.

If IQ is the same as academic achievements, and if we want to maximize academic learning outcomes, then we should allow for some voluntary segregation in elementary schools. #SafeSpace's, in short.

Of course, life is not all about book learning. #EQ is important, too. So integration is necessary in other sectors. Such as divorcing athletics from schools, returning them to their intramural origin, for example.

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