Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Coronavirus and Political Hypocrisy 20201109

Summary: Philadelphia health commissioner [but not the mayor] is asking the celebrating-in-the-streets people to get tested for #Covid19 because of their close proximity to crowds.

Analysis: The mayors are probably all in the streets gladhanding people, too. #PartyOfScience #BedrockScience.

People say we have a #STEM shortage. [Thankfully no more #STEAM recently.] Yet people keep not majoring in STEM, or not working hard on their arithmetics. [Yes, all y'all on the calculators.] And then, of course, city councilmen are not STEM, almost all the time, let alone at higher levels. #Rhetorics do not match reality in America.

And of course any move to cut the arts to pay for more STEM brings out all the concerned parents, in some parts of the country. [Paper and pencil for arithmetic worksheets are cheap, of course.]

Oh, and of course, no plan for the police to actually arrest or cite any of the #mask-not-wearing people for violating #socialDistancing ordinances. Because, of course, #civilLiberties for me, but not for thee.

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