Wednesday, March 30, 2022

China "Complicates" Western "Responses" to Ukraine

China, being an economic juggernaut friendly to Russia, and holding UNSC permanent membership, means Western sanctions against Russia are far less effective. It also means that the "West" have many fewer options against Russia.

Ha Ha Ha. Another funny article for you today. No shit, Sherlock.

Smarter People would not have picked this fight with Russia. Everything discussed in the article, was true before the invasion, during, and will be after. The larger strategic situation has not changed. The smaller strategic situation in Ukraine, perhaps. The Ukrainian call for tanks, indicate that Russia may have succeeded in the demilitarization goal, partially. Part of "demilitarization" means to destroy Ukraine 's offensive capability, meaning its tank fleet. The other part being its regular forces engaged in East Ukraine. If Russia succeed in annihilating the Ukraine regulars, Russia has achieved its near-term strategic goal.

Unless, of course, America fully rebuilds the Ukrainian Army post-war. Will Congress appropriate the money necessary to replace all Ukrainian hardware. Especially if they are not buying Abrams tanks. American foreign aid policy argues against this. I don't see an American T-72 factory anywhere.

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