Sunday, March 13, 2022

Nationalism and Xenophobia Rising Due to Migrations

In South Africa, local groups in Alexandra are chasing away and attacking foreign African migrants.
British companies are pushing to hire Ukrainian refugees.
Intellectuals and "liberal" people are leaving Russia, together with Western residents, due to Ukraine War. Many Jews are leaving Ukraine due to the Ukraine War. In America, Black people are leaving cities (primarily northern cities like NYC, Chicago, Detroit, and LA), and moving to suburbs. The article does not specify, but the Chicago suburb cited has become 50% Black, indicating that some suburbs are more popular with Black people than others.
AAPI teachers are "combatting" anti-Asian violence with talking. They are useless.
Migrations in the news. Nationalism is rising, as evidenced by people moving to congregate with kin. Migration is ethnic cleansing. People who leave a country are giving up on that country's future. (And yes, I include war refugees among the Brain Drain.)

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