Sunday, February 20, 2022

Ethnic Sanctuaries Prove Diversity Fails

Seattle City opens an apartment building reserved for low-income indigenous people, complete with native American artists' creations throughout the building.
The fact that the political process led to this ethnic-specific low-income reservation, proves that existing low-income housing are failing some ethnic groups. That these ethnic groups are being out-competed in the low-income welfare system by other ethnic groups. Ethnic Sanctuaries prove that Ethnic Cleansing is taking place.
It also proves that ethnic groups prefer to self-segregate. The history of the Native Americans / First Nations prove that Cultural Imperialism is real. That, in the modern media market, an ethnic group has to actively nurture its own culture and identity, if it wants to survive. Many indigenous tribes have already lost their culture and peoples to the White Man dominant culture, simply because they did not protect their own heritage, culture, and DNA.

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